

The treatment must be carefully applied according to the diagnosis. We have excellent human and technological resources for this purpose.

(305) 552-9121


Make an appointment
Hours of Operation
  • Mon & Wed
    9:00am - 7:00pm
  • Tue & Thu
    9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Fri
    9:00am - 4:00pm
  • Sat
    9:00am - 3:00pm
  • Sun


Carballo Animal Clinic was founded on the principle of providing animals with high-quality care and treatment. The medical staff at Carballo Animal Clinic are professionally trained and experienced in a wide variety of conditions and treatments.

Orthopedics and Soft Tissue Surgery by consultation only

  • Orthopedic Fractures.
  • Cruciate Ligament Disease.
  • Patellar Luxation.
  • Femoral Head and Neck Ostectomy(FHO).
  • Amputation.

Soft Tissue Elective and General Surgeries

  • Spay & Neuter.
  • Abdominal Exploratory.
  • Gastropexy.
  • GDV (Gastric Dilatation Volvulus).
  • Intestinal Foreign Body.
  • Intestinal Resection/Anastomosis.
  • Splenectomy.
  • Urogenital Surgery (Urethrostomy, Penile Amputation, etc).
  • Cystotomy.
  • Hernia Repair (Perianal, Umbilical, Inguinal, etc).
  • Mastectomy.
  • Surgery for Chronic Ear Disease (Total Ear Canal Ablation).
  • Surgical Oncology (Resection and Diagnostics of Tumors).

General Dentistry

  • Scaling/Polishing.
  • Full Mouth Digital Radiographs.
  • Extractions.
  • Sanos Dental Sealant.

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy is a relative new treatment that can be used for different conditions. The laser produces specific light wavenlengths and frequencies to effect a photochemical stimulation of cells resulting in decrease pain, edema and inflammation, and promotion of healing at the affected site.

Prescription Diets

Prescription diets are those that through scientific studies have been designed to help pets with specific health problems. For example, a pet with renal failure is required to eat a prescription diet that slows the process of the disease, among other things that diet has lower levels of phosphorus, salt and protein but Is still balanced to meet the pet’s nutrient needs. Approximately 1 in every 3 cats and 1 in every 10 dogs will develop renal disease in their lifetime.

Homemade diets are extremely difficult to balance properly. We use Hill's and Royal Canine diets.

In House Platelet Rich Plasma Treatments

The rationale for using PRP is that platelets contain many growth factors and signaling molecules in their granules. The most important of these are considered to be transforming growth factors. These growth factors reduce the expression of inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1 and TNF-a, which dampens the neutrophil response and the production of destructive matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). Additionally, they encourage proliferation and differentiation of resident cells. The goal is that the body’s natural healing response is enhanced by delivering a high concentration of growth factors directly to the site of injury.

Cryopen (Wart Removal)

Cryosurgery (or cryotherapy) is the application of extreme cold to destroy abnormal or diseased tissue. The term comes from the Greek "cryo" meaning icy cold and the word surgery meaning literally "hand work." Cryotherapy is used to treat a number of diseases and disorders, especially skin conditions Cryotherapy has been in use for over two hundred years. The application of intense cold will result in the death of the targeted tissue and the numbing of surrounding sensory nerves, reducing pain and discomfort.

Pain Management

Multimodal approach to pain management is tailored to individual patient needs through laser therapy, regenerative medicine, medical and non-medical treatment, rehabilitation recommendations and surgery if indicated.

Euthanasia Services

When a patient is suffering and the quality of life has significantly deteriorated despite all the treatments, euthanasia should be considered.